
Company Information


Our company’s compliance system and organization

To effectively achieve management that focuses on compliance in accordance with the spirit of the Taoka Chemical Charter for Business Conduct, our company established the “Compliance Regulations” as company regulations, along with the following compliance system and organization.

(1) Establishment of Taoka Chemical Business Conduct Procedures
They specify the rules to be observed in order to ensure that personnel engaged in the business activities of this company under the management and supervision of the company, including the officers, employees, transferred employees, part-time employees, and temporary employees, observe the laws, regulations, company regulations and corporate ethics, and promote the compliance of management.
(2) Establishment of a Compliance Committee
We established the Compliance Committee as an organization to supervise and support the secure implementation of management with a focus on compliance, and give the Committee the authority to investigate and supervise matters in relation to compliance.
(3) Establishment of the Speak Up Reporting System
If there is a violation of compliance or concern that compliance is being violated, the matter should be handled in principle by reporting to the superior through the office organization line. However, we also have a system in which the matter can be handled through a reporting route called the Speak Up Reporting System in addition to the normal reporting route, in case it is or may be difficult to solve the problem quickly through the normal reporting route for some reason. The functions of a self-cleaning system can be expected with the presence of such a system within the company, as it suppresses illegal and unauthorized actions, and enables the quick determination and correcting of the situation through the system if there is an illegal or unauthorized action due to some unfortunate circumstances.

Compliance Committee organization

Charter for Business Conduct

Considering that the implementation of corporate activities based on compliance and self-responsibility is the social responsibility of our company, which is a member of the Sumitomo Chemical Group, Taoka Chemical established the Taoka Chemical Charter for Business Conduct as described below, based on the Sumitomo Chemical Charter for Business Conduct, as the basic spirit which is the foundation of the company’s compliance system.

Taoka Chemical Charter for Business Conduct

  1. As a member of the Sumitomo Chemical Group, we will act as highly esteemed good citizens.
  2. We will observe laws and regulations, both at home and abroad, and will carry out activities in accordance with our corporate rules.
  3. We will develop and supply useful and safe products and technologies that will contribute significantly to the progress of society.
  4. We will engage in voluntary and active initiatives to achieve zero-accident and zero-injury operations and preserve the global environment.
  5. We will conduct business transactions based on fair and free competition.
  6. We will endeavor to make our workplaces sound and energetic.
  7. Every one of us will strive to become a professional and achieve advanced skills and expertise in our field of responsibility.
  8. We will actively communicate with our various stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, and local communities.
  9. As a corporate member of an international society, we will respect the culture and customs of every region of the world and contribute to the development of those regions.

We will strive for the continued development of our Company through business activities conducted in accordance with the guiding principles described herein.